News & Updates
Stay up-to-date with The Five Hundred, visit us to see what is new and happening.
CV Mask Project
March 2020
CV Mask Project proudly calls The Five Hundred its home. Comprised of residents of the Coachella Valley who have organized to assist our medical community and healthcare providers in our fight against the Coronavirus Pandemic
CV Mask Project
April 2020
With the help of Lucie Arnaz, Jeremy Hobbs, Frank Cazares, Don Cornuet, and Jim Lapidus we have turned Gallery500 at The Five Hundred into a production area for masks and gowns.
Honoring Pride
June 2020
Pride is being celebrated in very different ways in 2020 because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Physical parades in most places around the world are not allowed, with Taiwan a notable exception.
Coffee with a Cop
August 2019
We always enjoy seeing our Palm Springs Police Department at The Five Hundred for Coffee with a Cop....thank you for stopping by and we hope to see you again soon.
Compostable Straws
August 2019
Ristretto Changes to Compostable Straws as seen on KESQ TV
Meet the Artists
August 2019
Gallery500 opened the doors to a packed house for a “Meet the Artists Reception” featuring the six artist pictured. Andrea Raft, Carole Hatcher, Eduardo Carriazo, Meridy Volz, Terry Hastings, ULRIKE.
Palm Springs building lit in team colors to support LA Rams Super Bowl bid
January 2022
Support for the LA Rams in this weekend's Super Bowl is found throughout the Coachella Valley, including in lights matching the team colors on the historic 500 building in Palm Springs.